Scan any file with the help of telegram Bot

The Telegram BOT Review that I am going to give today is @DrWebBot. Its various functions and other details below is discussed.
Many people are currently using Telegram. One of the features of this Telegram is BOT. With the help of this many complex tasks can be done easily. Similarly, @DrWebBot is a very useful BOT. Hearing its name, you can understand the job of scanning the file in Telegram, that is, you can use this BOT to scan different types of files.

Usage: - With the help of this BOT you can scan different types of files in Telegram. This BOT works a lot like Antivirus.

1) First search in Telegram App @DrWebBot

2. Click on Start

3. Select Language

4. Write /help to know the user manual

5. If you send / forward any file to the Bot, it will be scanned immediately

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