Android customization tricks

Hello there today I will share with you some android customization tricks that make you pro level android let's start:

1. Automatic wallpaper changer:

This tricks I am going to tell you that change your wallpapers automatically after some time period. And definitely those are good wallpapers. For doing this you need to install a application called Tapet wallpapers.

Tapet wallpapers

About this app:

Tapet Wallpaper is a first of its kind app that automatically generates high-quality backgrounds.There are thousands of wallpapers and no wallpapers are being downloaded from the internet. Everything is rapidly generated on your device.

Download link: Tapet wallpapers apk

2. Chrome flags:

Chrome flags are experimental features of google by using them you can increase your user experience.

Some chrome flags:

I. Parallel downloading flag

By enabling this chrome flag you can increase your download speed. For enable this flag copy and search chrome://flags/#enable-parallel-downloading this text on your chrome browser search bar and then you will see there a yellow marked parallel downloading flag. Just enable it.

II. Smooth scrolling flag

If you feeling laggy in browsing then for increase the scrolling performance you can enable this flag. For enable this flag copy and search chrome://flags/#smooth-scrolling this text on your chrome browser search bar and then you will see there a yellow marked Smooth scrolling flag. Just enable it.

III. Incognito screenshot

Wanna take a screenshot in incognito mode.just enable this special flag. For enable this flag copy search chrome://flags/#incognito-screenshot this text on your chrome browser search bar and then you will see there a yellow marked Smooth scrolling flag. Just enable it.

IV. Strict site isolation

Strict site isolation flag gives you extra security when you browse anonymous websites. It's means extra protection against server malware's. For enable this flag copy and search chrome://flags/#enable-site-per-process this text on your chrome browser search bar and then you will see there a yellow marked Strict site isolation flag. Just enable it.

For disable all of this flags copy and search chrome://flags/ this text on your chrome browser search bar then click Reset all beside the search bar and your all flags are being disabled.

3. Developer options

To enable developer options go-to your phone settings ----->About phone----->look for Build number----->Tap bulid number 10 times---->You will get the developer options in setting menu

Some important features of developer options

I. USB debugging

USB debugging enables you to transfer files and medias through USB cable from phone to pc. Also by enabling USB debugging from developer options you can share your internet data to pc through cable.

II. Animation scale

Animation scale helps you to increase or decrease the animation speed. You can change it 1x to 10x.

III. Show touches

By enable this feature you can show your screen touches. This is very helpful when you make a video tutorial by screen recorder.

IV. Limit background process

For saving your battery charge, data you can restrict some unused apps from this option.

V. Running services

Running services shows you how many apps running on your device background. You can also see their time period of running. From this option you can disable unused app or trackers services.

4. High contrast text/fronts

If you have eye problem or you cannot seeing your display texts or fronts clearly then you can enable it from Accessibility menu. Simply search for "High contrast" in your phone setting search bar. Then enable it. You will see the effect.

5. Volume button bar customization

We use our volume buttons hundreds of time per day. But did you know that you can customize your volume bar by using some apps. Here some apps which helps you to customize your Volume button bar.

Download link's:

l. Ultra volume control apk

II. Volume styles apk

III. Custom volume panel apk

6. Music visualizer

Who don't hear music's? If you are a music lover then you should try music visualizer for increase your music hearing performance. By using a music visualizer app you can control and customize the music sound systems and can convert the  music in many musical forms.

Some of best music visualizer's are:

l. Muviz apk

II. Always on apk

Thank you

More features coming soon

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