How to add a post to our website
Hello there!
write your name, email, and post topic
write about topic on description box and where image is necessary just write image1,image2,image3... and continue write your post and complete it. Also you can easily write the post on your mobile note app and paste those post or texts in the given boxes. If you are writing from a computer then to jump to a new line in post box just press "enter+shift" button together you will be jumped to a new line on post box. its a little problem or you can write it on a text file from your computer and then just paste it on the box below.
Add any link manually by pasting the address only
Finally add images serially in image upload box according to image1, image2, image3... you mentioned in your post.Don't break the image upload serial. And you can only upload 3 photos in each image box.