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Open source frameworks for building AI like ChatGPT and Bard

ChatGPT is built on LLM and Framework as we all know. In today's topic, we will introduce eight open source frameworks and models that y...

Buzz – An amazing AI tool to transcribe Audio to Text with OpenAI's Whisper

How are you all, I hope you are well. As usual with a new topic. What is Buzz? Buzz is a desktop app based on OpenAI's Whisper. It can a...

Use ChatGPT free on your keyboard

Generative AI is becoming   quite popular these days. Everyone wants to capture this market. Many companies are collaborating with various A...

Top 4 App Cloners for iPhone and Android

Hello people, how are you all?  Hope everyone is well.  From now on, we come to you regularly with new topics.  And in order to maintain thi...

Call anyone without sim card

In the revolution of information communication, many things have improved.  Meanwhile you can contact others using sim mobile, its developme...